I Choose Peace

“We can't worry away our problems, but we can worry anxiety into our mind and body. Thought energy is powerful. It's not easy to do, but we serve our well-being best, when we face our struggles head on and accept difficulties that are beyond our control and trust that we can garner the support and strength we need to jump the hurdles. Life needn't feel like a walking on a tightrope of tension. True peace is the calm within the storm.”

― Jaeda DeWalt

It’s crazy but now I love the challenges that life throws at me (it hasn’t always been this way). I love the anxiety provoking situations that provide me the opportunity to keep my peace. I always thought keeping my peace during difficult times was a hard concept and an even harder task. What I learned is that what’s hard is continuously struggling, continuing to think that everything is a battle, holding on to something that is not meant for me. Because I know and truly believe that the universe is full of abundance and that abundance extends to me. Therefore, I am INFINITELY ABUNDANT.

Sitting back, chillin’ out, letting the universe move accordingly is the easy part. So in those moments where I used to be tempted to jump into action and fight a battle, I now kick my feet up, sit back and relax. Because sometimes we need to get out of the way so that blessings/miracles can take place and we can witness this process that further confirms universal power.


Racquel Merritt