My Baby Boy

Hello Sweet Baby,

Today I meditate on your safety and protection.

I hope that you are never walking alone at night, wearing a dark hoodie, with a bag of Skittles, and are stalked and murdered.

I hope that you will never internalize the hate some others feel toward you.

I hope that you always know your beauty and worth.

I hope that you never feel discarded by society and in turn feel worthless about yourself.

I hope that you always meet smiling faces that greet you with love and respect.

I hope that you always know that you are a brilliant, little, chocolate, prince with as much to offer the world as any other human being.

I hope that you always feel the light in your spirit and never let another person dim your light.

I hope that you know the love that I feel for you. Take that love, internalize that,and spread love to everyone that you meet.

It is my wish for you that you spread light all over this world and that you know peace.

As this world will attempt to break you down, even take your life.

Whatever you do, don’t let it.



Racquel Merritt